IT Security Tips – Cybersecurity Alert: Phishing/Ransomware
Posted in: Information Security
There has been a recent surge in cyber attacks targeting campus communities across the country. To ensure the safety and security of your accounts and personal information, here are some security recommendations:
1. Never Share Your Personal Information
- Authentication Credentials (username and password)
- Date of Birth
- Home/Billing Address
- Banking Information
As a reminder, Montclair State University will never request sensitive information via email. Please delete any such emails immediately.
2. Secure Your Passwords
- Avoid using easily guessable information such as birthdates, names, or common words.
- Change your password if you believe you have fallen for a scam.
3. Protect your Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
- Do not provide your generated codes to anyone.
- If you receive a request from 2FA that you did not initiate, do not allow it.
4. If you weren’t expecting it, don’t open it
- Attackers have been recently sending Google Documents and Google Forms to gather personal information. If you receive something requesting your login credentials, do not provide it.
- All University Job Offers/Internships will be provided directly by Career Services.
Please be vigilant for any suspicious emails, text messages, or phone calls. Cyber attackers will utilize all types of phishing techniques to trick individuals into revealing personal information. Remember that the college will never ask you for your password or other sensitive information via email or phone. If you receive any suspicious emails, please report them using the “Report phishing” feature in Google.
If you have interacted with suspicious content such as phishing, reach out to your academic technology team or the IT Service Desk at 973-655-7971 (option 1) or For sensitive information shared that may risk identity theft, contact University Police at (973) 655-5222 or immediately.
For more security information, please visit our security page.